Interior Design/Interior Decorating

Interior Design: Recipe for a Successful Kitchen Design

The Secret Sauce for Cooking Up a Beautiful Kitchen While Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Interior design by Karen Mills

If you’re seriously considering remodeling your kitchen, read my suggestions as a kitchen designer here first before tearing out walls or hiring a contractor because your kitchen’s a huge investment that can cost thousands of dollars to correct or years of regret if you rush into it and hire someone who’s not reliable or does a poor job. 3 Reasons Why White Kitchens Stand the Test of Time

First I recommend that you look for design inspiration in interior design magazines and online to get ideas of what you like so  you can effectively communicate your vision to the team you assemble.

Interior design by Karen Mills

Next make a list of items you absolutely must have in your kitchen and another list of things you would like to have.   If you’re not sure, start compiling a list as you use your kitchen everyday so your new kitchen will meet all your requirements.

Then hire an interior designer to show you how to layout a kitchen that’s both functional for your family and beautiful!   Some interior designers can be had for as little as one-two hours to review your ideas, plus they will have great resources for contractors, architects, and trades people to help you accomplish your goal. 3 Big Kitchen Trends for 2020

Kitchen designers that don’t serve also as the contractor can also serve as a trusted advisor who will help with selecting contractors, making it functional, creating flow, coordinating finishes, assisting with lighting, and advising on the latest storage options  to ensure your kitchen design looks great!  And if you can’t afford an interior designer for the whole project, I would at least hire an interior designer experienced with remodeling for a couple of hours to help you create a master plan.

Kitchen refresh by Karen Mills

In summary if you have a professional create a master plan that’s not only functional and beautiful with good flow and coordinating finishes, you will have a much higher chance of success and loving the kitchen you’re in!

For more great interior design ideas, sign up for our design blog here!

plus become a fan of Kansas City’s interior designer and former host of the Living Large design show, Karen Mills, on Facebook  and Instagram now!

If you feel someone you know could benefit from this helpful information, pass it on!

Interior Design/Interior Decorating

Interior Design: 3 Hot Kitchen Trends for 2019

The Current Direction of Kitchen Design

Karen Mills' blog
Interior design by Karen Mills

If you’re like most of us whether an interior designer like myself or a homeowner, you’ve probably either recently remodeled your kitchen or are seriously thinking about it. If so here are 3 kitchen trends you might want to consider.

  1. Personalization can come in not only in a fabulous color scheme like this beautiful hint of green mixed with white and bronze selected by one of our favorite clients, but it may also be part of the design aesthetic whether its in materials, finishes, or the overall theme. In this space one of our clients was from Finland so we incorporated a bit of a rustic element to remind them of their lake cabin there while also showcasing their love of contemporary in the stove hood.
Karen Mills' blog
Kitchen refresh by Karen Mills

2.  Bolder RIch Painted  Cabinets  For years we’ve nurtured our love for all things white and I’m not sure that trend in kitchens will ever die because white cottage kitchens give off such an inviting vibe, but the kitchen trend for 2019 is heading towards a bolder painted hue along with color schemes overall. But if white kitchens are you’re love they can still work if you add bold pops of color. In this kitchen refresh with a fun client we absolute love, we painted the existing wall cabinets darker shades to create a bold contrast after installing a counter top that continues up the wall as the back splash too. Live edge shelves, pottery, and whimsical chandeliers add to the personal touch.

Karen Mills' blog
Interior Design by Karen Mills

3. Take Your Back splash to the Ceiling  Tiles for the back splash are starting to make a big statement in kitchen remodels for 2019 so we are continuing to see a rise in taking the tile to the ceiling everywhere. Bold patterns are also becoming more popular as the back splash takes center stage. In the kitchen here we ran tiles to the ceiling to accentuate the beautiful hood, the main focal point of the room.

For more inspiration, ideas, and photos, sign up for our weekly interior design blog here.

Plus become a fan of Kansas City’s interior designer and former host of the Living Large design show, Karen Mills, on