Interior Design: Trending in Winter White

The color white has ruled the interior design market for 2016 and I don’t see signs of this dreamy color dying out yet. In fact there’s nothing I personally love to wear or be surrounded by than white because of the way it bounces light around the room and how fresh it makes me feel.

Believe it or not the majority of my new projects as an interior designer are still requests for whites and cool light neutrals with a pop of color even in the midst of winter.

So today I’m sharing some winter whites that inspire me and giving more insight into this fabulous color from the color experts.

According to former Living Large show guest and color expert Kate Smith color affects us physically in the following ways:
Aids mental clarity
Encourages us to clear clutter or obstacles
Evokes purification of thoughts or actions
Enables fresh beginnings

But that’s not all. The nation’s leading color expert and former Living Large guest Lea Eiseman of the Pantone Color Institute states in one of her books, “White also signifies innocence. It is a recall of youth and simplicity, and a longing to be young again.” No wonder I love white!

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