Interior Design: 3 Reasons Why White Kitchens Are Timeless

White kitchens remind me of grandmother’s house that was nestled in the middle of beautiful flower garden where she taught me how to bake and make pie crusts as a 5 years old. That’s why I will always love white kitchens and I’m sure it might be why you do too because they are often warm, inviting, casual, and smell oh so delicious. Read on for the three other reasons I believe we secretly love white kitchens.
- Reflects light and makes us look better – As an interior designer who specializes in kitchen remodels I believe we secretly crave light airy kitchens because they not only feel clean and fresh but also bounce the natural light from outside around our room, enhancing the way we look and feel when we are in there. 3 Big Kitchen Trends for 2020
In addition they make us look younger by reflecting light back onto our face in contrast to darker kitchens that can make you look more haggard..

2. More Timeless – White kitchens have always stood the test of time as the most popular kitchen cabinet color so if you don’t get too crazy with your design or finishes your white kitchen remodel will likely feel more in style than a darker ktichen over time, especially when it comes time for resale.

3. More Versatile – White kitchens can be paired with almost any colors and changed up when you tire of the color scheme. And if you’re like the majority of homeowners, you love the ethereal feel of white kitchens, especially one with warm inviting layers of texture like this existing kitchen was refreshed with a can of paint, new back splash, and dining table fixtures. Here the wood tabletop was repainted in a rustic gray finish and existing leather chairs slip slip covered in a washable fabric to finish the look. 5 Big Mistakes We Make In The Kitchen
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